We’ve been harnessing sun, water, milk, and grass into lamb, beef, and eggs as a family for twenty-five years and plan to do so for many more to come. We practice perennial, never-tilled pasture grazing to reduce atmospheric carbon and sequester it as soil organic matter and improve water cycling and infiltration, reducing runoff and soil erosion.

We rotationally graze sheep, goats, and cattle in southeast Minnesota’s Driftless Region. We lamb, kid, and calve in the spring. We sell our lamb and beef directly to consumers and via several Minnesota farmer’s markets, food co-ops, grocery stores, and restaurants. We raise livestock guardian dogs and border collies for herd protection and herding, respectively.

Employees and customers support an agri-culture which converts sun, water, milk, and grass into lamb and beef (real plant-based protein) to sustain our planet and communities. We believe in voting with our food dollars to achieve healthier soil and cleaner air and water.

Join our agri-culture!